This project is only possible because of all the great people who have helped me thus far. Whatever success I’ve had thus far is because of them. I would like to say thank you to the following:
At the College of Wooster, I would like to say thank you to Professors Holt, and Florence for supporting me, and allowing me to do such a project. Thank you to Dr.Breitenbucher and to Megan Smeznik for helping me to set up my website, and additionally to Megan Smeznik for additional help with everything else technology, and her enduring patience. An incredibly large thank you to Cassidy Ely, Sculpture technician at the College for helping me with the building of my lyres. I literally could not have done this project without you.2 Also a thank you to Elyse Echegaray, fellow Senior I.S. student at the College who recommended I contact Cassidy. Thank you to the Copeland fund for helping me partially fund this project.
On an international stage, I would like to thank Professor Stefan Hagel, at the Austrian Academy of Sciences, for answering the wildly optimistic emails of a lowly undergrad, I am eternally thankful for his help. The same to Christian Girbal, at Arkeomusica, a colloquium of people dedicated to re-creating ancient instruments. Additional thanks also to LyrAvlos, an ancient greek musical group based in Athens for their help and advice. I would also like to thank Erik Robinson and Joel Christensen of SENTENTIAE ANTIQUAE, a website dedicated to making Classics more accessible. They allowed me to use their translations, and were also very generous in telling people about this project, which I deeply appreciate.
On a personal note, thank you first and foremost to my wonderful grandmother, Joan Bond Sax Phd, for allowing me to use you as my own personal translator. You’re the best Nana. Thank you to my parents, my aunts, uncles, and cousins who have showed your unending support (and not laughed too much when I describe my troubles finding sticks or tortoise shells). Thank you to my friends, who keep my comment sections lively, and encouraging. Thank you to my twin Kayla, and my wonderful cousin Meghan for keeping me humble. Thank you to my cat, Willow, for being my muse and support. Thank you to everyone reading this, to everyone whose ever visited my site accidentally or intentionally. It is my hope we can create and cherish beauty together.