I am taking a slightly different approach with my second barbitos prototype. I want to try using bamboo for the arms as it is environmentally friendly, and perhaps easier to find than random thrift store chairs.
For the arms this time I ordered a rattan bamboo rod online from Bamboo MN, a bamboo craft store. I ordered a 6-foot rod 1.1 inches thick, for $42.30. I have not begun assembling my new barbitos yet, but I believe I may have made a mistake in ordering, as it might be too thick to bend adequately.
My plan is to cut the my six foot piece of bamboo into three equal pieces, 2ft each. I will take two of those pieces, and attempt to bend them with the use of a heat gun. The third piece I will split length wise, and turn it into two separate pieces to see if the thinner pieces will bend better. I do not know if any of these attempt to bend the bamboo will work, but I aim to try. Whichever method for bending the arms work best I will use for the second prototype. I plan on attaching the second set of arms, made of halved bamboo pieces, to the thin wood composite bowl donated to me by Dr. Walter Zurko. I plan on finishing the ultimate second prototype with goat skin, nylon line, and various pieces of wood. I am interested in seeing which method works best.